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Body | Mind | Spirit
Home: Welcome

Yoga is a connection of your body, your soul and your mind. A path of transformation through growth and freedom, that is literally available to everyone! Yoga is packed full of juicy, flowing energy/prana. Allowing yourself to become aware and present in both the stillness and the movement, the effort and the ease, the internal and the external, on and off your yoga mat in everyday life, everywhere.
Yoga is an experiential process. It's both a state of being as well as the path required to reach that state of being. My intention is to create an inspiring space for you to feel joy, embody freedom and to access the ability to connect with your true divinity through the magical practices of yoga.
200 HR Registered Yoga Teacher - Vinyasa & Hatha*
50 HR Restorative Yoga Teacher Training*
* Yoga Alliance Certified
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Available for group or private sessions.
All levels and bodies welcome as all classes can be modified accordingly.
If you would like more details about the styles of yoga I offer, check out the classes page or please don't hesitate to get in touch with any questions!
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Yoga is Freedom.
Yoga is Truth.
Find your Freedom.
Find your Truth.
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